Parque Nacional Camino de Cruces

  • ADDRESS: Vía Centenario, Ancón, Panamá - Report a Problem

Venue Description: Location: Province of Panama, 15 kilometers from the capital city. Among the Soberania National Park, to thenorth, and the Metropolitan Natural Park, south.

Area: 4,590 hectares extending parallel to the Panama Canal.

Description: You are a wide variety of flora and fauna, beautiful waterfalls and some endangered species such as the titi monkey, armadillo, green iguana, deer roe deer and three - toed sloth.
Created in 1992 in the province of Panama. Located between the Soberania National Park, to the north, and the Metropolitan Natural Park, south, ensuring the uninterrupted flow of species between the two protected areas, while closing the natural corridor that protects the east bank of the Canal of Panama and ensures maintenance.

Topography: National Park soft undulating terrain.

Biodiversity: Tropical rain forests characterize this national park, where large specimens of ceiba (Ceiba pentandra), cuipo (Cavallinesia platanifolia), Nance (nanche), Jobo (Spondias mombin), oak (Tabebuia rosea) and guayacán are located (Tabebuia guayacan), whose spectacular bloom in April and May announcing the end of the dry season.Large fig trees (Ficus insipid) that they maintain a symbiotic relationship with the tiny wasp higuerón (Blastophaga sp.), Without which this tree can not pollinate their fruit, and the majestic royal palms (Scheelea zonensis) are also present. Among the reptiles is the green iguana (Iguana iguana) the largest spice.

Birdlife is abundant and varied, highlighting the presence of Crested Eagle (Crested Eagle), cuclillo pheasant (pheasant cuckoo), the red-green macaw (Ara chloropterus), the colipizarra trogon (Trogon massena) ...

In the tree layer of these tropical rain forests live the marmoset (Saguinus geoffroyi) and the elusive jujaná (gray-bellied night monkey), while the Corsicans Wends (Mazama americana) and white-tailed deer (Odoicoleus virginianus) share these protected hectares with cats alone (Nasua narica) and agouti (Central American agouti).

The richness and variety of flora and fauna of this national park is complemented by the great historical and cultural value of the Camino de Cruces from the colonial era. For him the Spaniards transported goods and other riches from Peru, Baja California and Chile from Panama City (now Panama la Vieja was the first city founded by Europeans in the American Pacific in 1519) to the river Chagres which flows into the Caribbean through much of the Isthmus.
In the park is a stretch restored with its cobbled characteristic and remain open other important sections of the historic Spanish colonial road that has given the name to this national park.
Access: It is the most accessible areas across the country road.

Services: There is an administrative office and an information booth. Some sections of the road have been restored.
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