Monólogos de la Vagina

- Date: Monday February 25, 2019 - Report a Problem
- Time: 8:00 pm
- Venue: Teatro La Plaza
Address: Ave. Samuel Lewis
Obarrio, Panama - Price: $20.00
- Parking: Street, Parking Lot/Structure
- Categories: Arts & Culture - Other
On Monday, February 25, comes one of the most famous works of recent times: “The Monologues of the Vagina”, where on this occasion the talented actresses Ana Alejandra Carrizo, Lissette Condassin and Monica Lauri, will be talking about different topics, counted in a fun way
The public will learn much more about masturbation, the different types of orgasms, menstruation, childbirth, grievances to female sexuality, visits to the gynecologist, the journeys to find the “G” point, among others. Tickets are on sale at Panatickets and the event will be at Teatro La Plaza at 8:00 PM.
For more information, visit the links attached.
Click on the ticket button and you can see the details of the tickets!
Performer Info: