Reiki ¿Qué es y cómo funciona?

  • Flyers:
  • Date: Tuesday February 26, 2019 - Report a Problem
  • Time: 7:30 pm
  • Venue: Lilah Yoga
  • Address: Calle 75 Plaza 75
    San Francisco, Panamá
  • Price: Free
  • Categories: Education (Workshops and Courses) - Free

Event Description:

Everything in the Universe is ENERGY.

Energy is a dynamic radiation, of different frequencies or wavelengths, which it transforms as it transforms. Everything, even what we perceive as solid, is composed of energy, that which keeps atoms and molecules in constant movement. The energy whose frequency is slowest is that which we can see and touch; As the wavelength decreases and its frequency increases, the energy becomes more subtle, such as radio waves, which we can hear but not see ..

In this same way we can find other energies even faster, with specific properties and among them we have the one known as “Reiki”. If you are struck by the theme, the fusion between science and spirituality, recognizing yourself as an unlimited being able to consciously access this expression of unconditional love that gives us the Universe and with it transform, THIS ENCOUNTER IS FOR YOU.

It will be held on Tuesday, February 26, at 7:30 P.M. Within the framework of the “Tuesday of Consciousness in Lilah Yoga, we will talk about” Reiki, What is it, how does it work? “. As a prelude to the Reiki Professional Training that will begin in the month of March. It will be attended by Rachel Eidelman Solís. This meeting is free and requires prior registration. Please write by direct message or at .
Book your quota or For information visit the links attached.

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